Trekking Poles can help you reach new limits by reducing the impact on your knees while on the trail. Hiking poles can also help take some of the weight from your heavy pack or to help lean on while you stop for a water break during your backpacking trips or day hikes. When you don't need your trekking poles, you can strap fixed-length poles to the outside of your pack or stuff a packable one in your backpack without adding too much weight.
Trekking poles can be used for things other than the trek. Using your pole and a tarp, you can pitch a shelter that eliminates the weight of tent poles from your pack. In emergency situations, you can use your poles as a medical splint to help you get down the mountain. We have carbon trekking poles, cork trekking poles, and several other folding trekking poles that are perfect for both ascents and descents.
Trekking poles can be very helpful when hiking or backpacking, especially on uneven terrain. They are shock-absorbing and can provide additional stability and support, which can help reduce the strain on your legs and knees and can also help you maintain your balance. Plus, trekking poles can be useful for helping you gauge the depth of puddles or streams or for probing the ground in front of you to check for hazards like thorny bushes. They can also be used to help pitch a tent or tarp in a pinch. Overall, trekking poles can be a useful tool for any hiker or backpacker and can definitely make a difference in terms of comfort and safety on the trail.
There is no difference between trekking poles and hiking poles. The terms are often used interchangeably to refer to long, lightweight walking sticks that are used while hiking or backpacking.
Here are some helpful tips for using trekking poles, especially if you’re a first-timer:
Adjust the length of the poles to suit your height. When your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle, the handle of the pole should be level with your wrist.
Hold the poles correctly. Grip the handle with your palms facing down and your fingers wrapped around the handle. Avoid gripping too tightly, as this can cause fatigue.
Walk with a natural stride. Place the poles in front of you and push off gently with each step. As you walk, alternate which hand holds the pole on each side.
Use the poles for balance and support. Trekking poles can help you maintain your balance on uneven terrain and can also help reduce the strain on your legs and knees.
Take breaks. If you need to rest, lean on the poles for support.
Shop online for great deals on adjustable trekking poles featuring a variety of grip materials like foam grips and cork grips. From ultralight carbon fiber poles to aluminum poles, we have the perfect option that meets your needs and budget. Make sure to check out all of our hiking gear to stock up on essentials for your next trail running adventure.