Getting a new tent is exciting, but chances are it doesn't have all of the tent accessories that you'll want to personalize your home away from home. Camping tent accessories won't always make or break your trip, but they can certainly make it more comfortable overall. Check out all of our tent accessories before you go on your next camping or backpacking trip!
Tent accessories are basically anything that isn't the tent itself. Even the most basic tent will include some of these accessories: tent poles, tent stakes, a rainfly, guylines, and usually at least one gear pocket inside. Sometimes these included accessories aren't very good quality, and either fail or just don't perform very well once you get them in the field. This is especially common with tent stakes, which also tend to find themselves lost by the next camping trip. Those are the most frequently replaced camping tent accessories. Next in line would be tent poles: they will snap in very high winds or if someone stumbles and falls onto your tent, or simply steps on them just the wrong way. Fiberglass poles also simply age and lose flexibility, eventually forming slivers or splitting altogether. Guylines weather and inevitably get tripped over, they're often in need of replacement every few seasons.
Numerous tent accessories don't have much to do with the basic functionality of the tent, but everything to do with sprucing up the place or adding handy features and extra comforts. This can include gear lines for hanging extra lightweight item, or drying out wet clothes like those socks you've been hiking in all day. There are tent lanterns, laundry bags, larger vestibules, even doormats!
Shop at for Tent Accessories from the best brands including Big Agnes, Overland Vehicle Systems, and Eureka! Learn more about tents and camping in our ever-growing Guides section, and if you ever have a question please feel free to reach out and contact us anytime!
Other categories you may be interested in: Tent Accessories & Stakes, Tent Hammocks, Tents & Shelters, Bivy Sacks.