If you want to go play in the snow, you need the right snow gear! Whether it's goggles, helmets, or maintenance equipment, we've got you covered right here at CampSaver. Check out our assortment of snow gear and get out into the cold today!
Winter clothing for outdoor activity consists of 3 basic elements: wind/weather, warmth, and wicking. Your wicking layer should be a good non-cotton base layer. Your warmth layer can be wool, a down jacket, or other non-cotton jackets. Your weather/wind layer should be a shell that is breathable but doesn't let in moisture or biting wind. Don't forget your gloves and hat, these should also be non-cotton and suitable for extended periods outdoors.
Other snow gear you'll need will depend on your activity. For skiing and snowboarding, you should have goggles and a helmet for safety. On an extended backcountry trip, you'll want a good pack that's up to the challenge. Make sure you have everything before you go out, once you're on the trail there's no swinging by the store to get whatever you've forgotten.
You can find plenty of budget-friendly gear for beginners, but most snow gear tends to be expensive because you buy so many different components like a snowboard, boots, pants, jacket, goggles, helmet, and more. Try to buy items like clothing that can be worn for a variety of different outdoor activities. Also, buying quality gear upfront can be less expensive over the long run, as it will last several seasons and cheap gear may only get you through part of one season.
Shop at CampSaver.com for the best snow gear from brands like, Smith, Ortovox, Gregory, and more! Learn more about winter sports and a whole bunch of other outdoor activities in our ever-growing Guides section. If you ever have any questions, please feel to reach out and contact us anytime to speak to one of our product experts.
Other categories you might be interested in Snow Helmets, Snow Packs, Snow Pants, Snow Poles.