Sleeping bags are essentials for campers and backpackers who need a quality night’s sleep before taking on the day. Adventure doesn't just happen on expeditions and summit bids; adventures can happen anywhere, and we have bags ready for any type of adventure. Our selection includes everything from ultralight to ultra-warm. Backpacking sleeping bags are built with the perfect balance of warmth and the lightest weights possible. Warm and durable car camping sleeping bags make any family or solo camping trip so much better. Mountaineering sleeping bags are designed to meet the highly technical conditions of an alpine assault or expedition into the remotest places on Earth. Don't forget to snag a pillow, sleeping bag liner, stuff sack, and other sleeping bag accessories to enhance your comfort while catching Z’s under the stars.
There are many different ways to classify sleeping bags, but one common method is by the shape of the bag. Here are four common types of sleeping bag shapes:
Rectangular sleeping bags: These are the most basic and traditional type of sleeping bag. They are rectangular in shape and have a relatively roomy interior, making them good for warm weather or for people who like to have some extra space to move around while they sleep.
Mummy sleeping bags: Mummy sleeping bags are designed to be more streamlined and tapered at the feet. They are generally narrower than rectangular sleeping bags and are good for cold weather or for people who want a more fitted bag.
Semi-rectangular sleeping bags: As the name suggests, these sleeping bags are a hybrid of rectangular and mummy-style sleeping bags. They are wider at the top and taper towards the footbox, offering a compromise between roominess and warmth.
Barrel sleeping bags: These sleeping bags are shaped like a barrel, with a curved top and bottom. They are generally wider than other types of sleeping bags and offer more room to move around, but they may not be as warm as more fitted bags.
The best sleeping bag for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Besides the shape, some other factors to consider when choosing a sleeping bag include the temperature rating and the materials it is made of.
If you plan to use the sleeping bag in very cold weather, you'll want to look for a bag with a low temperature rating, such as 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. On the other hand, if you plan to use the bag in warmer weather, you can look for a bag with a higher temperature rating.
Finally, consider the materials the sleeping bag is made of. Down sleeping bags are generally lighter and more compressible, but they can be more expensive and may perform to expectations when wet. Synthetic sleeping bags are generally less expensive and more durable, but they are heavier and may not be as warm as down fill bags.
As discussed above, a sleeping bag with a proper temperature rating is important for comfort. If the bag is too warm, you may feel stuffy and uncomfortable, but if it is too cold, you will have a hard time relaxing. You should also ensure the shape and size of the bag fit your needs and body type. There are even sleeping bags designed for women that will specifically fit their body type. A sleeping pad or air mattress can add an extra layer of cushioning and comfort to your sleeping setup. Consider using one of these in combination with your sleeping bag for enhanced comfort.
Shop online with us for great deals on sleeping bags and accessories from some of the best sleeping bag brands like Kelty, NEMO, Big Agnes, Marmot, and many others. We have water-resistant options, as well as many different choices within a variety of temperature ranges to meet your needs and budget. Grab your sleep system today, and don’t forget to check out all of our camping gear to ensure you have everything you need for your next great adventure.