Whether you're looking for a roof rack for your kayak or a storage rack for your paddleboard, we've got you covered. We have freestanding racks and wall mount hangers for storage, and car racks and tie-down straps for getting to and from the water. Although a kayak storage rack can certainly be used to store your surfboard or stand-up paddleboard, you may want a specific surfboard wall rack or SUP rack depending on your watercraft and available space. It's recommended that you get a rack that matches your water sports equipment for the best fit and to ensure the least amount of storage wear and tear. No matter what Paddle & Water Sports you’re into, we have storage solutions for you!
A kayak rack generally falls into two categories: car racks or roof racks for transportation, and kayak storage racks. They're specifically designed for the unique shape and various sizes of kayaks that can be unwieldy, heavy, and take up a lot of space when they're out of the water. A roof rack will typically incorporate some kind of tie-down straps for obvious safety reasons, whereas something like a kayak wall mount usually won't since the angle of the arms uses gravity to keep the boat in place.
When transporting watercraft of any kind, safety is of the utmost importance. That's why a roof rack is much better than any sort of improvised tie-down using rope or straps without any kind of crossbar. The benefit of a kayak rack is that it's specifically designed for the shape of the boat and properly securing it. They also typically make it easier to get the kayak on and off of your vehicle. A trailer can be used, but only if you have a hitch and are willing to deal with the extra hassle. Some people will put them in the back of a truck, but if it's not secured properly they can get caught in the wind and blow off causing a serious safety hazard to other motorists. Improperly strapping a kayak, stand-up paddleboard, or surfboard may be considered an unsecured load in some areas, and therefore illegal.
When storing watercraft, space is usually an issue. When they're on the ground or propped in a corner, they're in the way and prone to being bumped around, scraped up, and even seriously damaged by carelessness. The beauty of ceiling storage or a wall mount is that it keeps your boat and/or board up and out of the way when it's not in use. This not only gives you more room in your garage or shed, but it also keeps your equipment safe from accidental damage. Although freestanding racks may not save you much room, they will protect your kayak and are especially useful if you don't have anywhere to use hangers (or your landlord doesn't want you bolting things to the wall). Another advantage is being able to store multiple kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, surfboards, snowboards, and skis on one heavy-duty rack.
Paddle racks store and organize your paddles in an out-of-the-way place when you're not heading out on the water. If you have multiple watercraft, then you've got a specific paddle or paddles for each one. More than one paddler in the household can increase that exponentially. Those paddle designs aren't easy to stack or prop in a corner, they'll tip over and scatter all over the place when a mouse sneezes. A paddle rack keeps them secured and well-organized so they're not only stable but protected from unnecessary scratches and dings.
Shop at CampSaver.com for a kayak storage rack, paddle board storage rack, paddle holder, or storage system for a variety of water sports equipment. We carry top brands like Yakima, OTTOLOCK, Sea to Summit, and more! Learn more about paddlesports, outdoor recreation, and a whole bunch of other stuff in our ever-growing Guides section! Questions? Reach out and contact us whenever you'd like!
Other products you may be interested in: Garage Storage Solutions, Kayak Accessories, SUPs - Stand-Up Paddleboards, and Kayak Paddles.