When you need to stay as warm and dry as possible, you need the right outerwear. Men’s jackets come in a variety of shapes and styles, and finding the right one for your needs can be tricky. Everything from puffer jackets and fleece jackets to full parkas all serve different purposes, while still sharing the core quality of keeping you warm. Some are also designed specifically for action sports, like snowboarding and skiing, while others are simply water-resistant windbreakers that help you fight off the chill while you’re running errands or working outside briefly.
The materials used in men’s jackets varies widely depending on what kind of jacket you are getting. For example, a jacket that is more for style than warmth, like a leather jacket or bomber jacket, will most likely use leather and cotton in it’s design. However, for winter jackets and those made for action sports and heavy-duty activities, the materials are completely different. Nylon is one of the most popular options because it is lightweight and waterproof, protecting you from rain and snow. Polyester is often used for similar reasons to nylon. Then, if you have an insulated jacket, the inside might be stuffed with either synthetic or real down to trap your body heat inside.
For outdoor jackets, many of them share similar features. A hood is almost always included because if you’re going to be snowboarding, skiing, hiking, or doing anything else out in the wilderness, you need the extra warmth and protection it provides. You can also commonly find several pockets on men’s jackets, from typical pockets by the waist to some on the inside and outside of the chest. These pockets usually have zippers to secure your items carefully.
Down jackets are extremely popular for cold weather adventures, and for good reason. Down is a very light material, which means it doesn’t add a lot of bulk to the jacket. This helps you keep your stamina and energy up while traveling, as well as helps you pack the jacket when you’re finished using it. It’s also breathable, so sweat doesn’t get trapped against your body, which can be dangerous in extremely cold conditions. Plus, it is very warm and insulating, keeping you warm even in the coldest temperatures.
If you’re looking for a jacket that goes above and beyond your needs, check out our wide selection here at CampSaver. Shop some of our top brands, including Mammut and Black Diamond.