While the right men’s clothing can help you accomplish a job, stay warm, and have fun during your favorite activities, no outfit is complete without the right outdoor accessories. Outdoor accessories are anything other than clothes that you can wear, and include beanies, gloves, mitts, sunglasses, belts, gaiters, and more. These items give you the extra functionality and comfort you need for your favorite hobbies, ensuring you are at the top of your game all the time, whether you’re hiking, backpacking, snowboarding, or trail running.
Men’s accessories vary widely and there are countless options available depending on your needs. For example, if you want to go hiking through the snow, you’re going to need a reliable pair of gloves or mitts that are insulated and water resistant to prevent your hands from getting too cold. You will also benefit from a thick hat or beanie to protect your ears, and even a reliable pair of sunglasses. Some people don’t think sunglasses are as useful in the winter, but when the sun reflects off the snow, it can be extremely bright and harmful to your eyes.
Gaiters are a less common type of men’s accessories, but they serve a crucial purpose for a variety of activities. There are several types, including hiking gaiters and snow gaiters. Both of them work similarly by going over your shoe and covering the back and bottom and the bottom part of your pants leg. This prevents snow, water, dirt, and other debris from getting inside your shoes. Hiking gaiters are lighter and more breathable, helping to prevent sweat accumulation. Snow gaiters are much thicker to keep out drifts.
When you need help gearing up for your next trip, choose CampSaver! We have all the men’s accessories you need to stay warm, comfortable, and active even in extreme conditions. Shop some of our top brands, including Marmot, Outdoor Research, and Oakley.