Finding cute, functional kids’ clothing and outdoor gear has never been easier than with CampSaver. Whether you’re shopping for base layers before your next trip to the mountains with the children or some long-sleeve shirts, hoodies, vests, and outerwear just to help them stay warm on their way to school, we have tons of kids’ apparel. If you’re looking for some functional, and fun, outdoor gear, we also have sleeping bags, backpacks, snowshoes, child carriers, and tons of other options for you to choose from!
When gearing up your kiddos for a winter trip through the woods or just playing outside with friends, you want to make sure they’re warm and protected. Start with getting a solid base layer. Depending on the temperature, they may need long underwear, but generally they’ll be okay with a soft shirt and tights. Then, start to add layers on top, like a hoodie or sweatshirt and a thick pair of snow pants. Finally, top them off with a warm, fuzzy snow jacket to further insulate them and keep their base layers from getting wet and a beanie on top to protect their ears. As for shoes, snowshoes are recommended for thick drifts, but for a light dusting, boots are the perfect option. Avoid mesh sneakers and tennis shoes.
A child chariot is a small device that allows you to bring a child with you while staying active. The Thule Chariot Cross 2 is a prime example that is designed for use with four different activities: biking, jogging, skiing, and strolling. This versatile piece of gear easily attaches to your skis, bike, or to a waistband so it follows along behind you on your trips. When you’re not out adventuring, you can even push it like a regular stroller.
Aside from kids’ clothing, we also carry a ton of outdoor gear, equipment, and accessories that are perfectly sized for children. If you’re looking for something for an adventurous child in your life, check out our wide selection of Razor products. Everything from electric scooters and go-karts to drifting tricycles and electric bicycles. Made for kids, these smaller versions of typically adult products are the perfect starting points for kids who enjoy motorsports and spending lots of time outside.
Here at CampSaver, we take pride in offering everything you need to be ready for your next outdoor adventure. Check out our kids’ products from top brands, including Obermeyer, Marmot, and Black Diamond.