Turning your kids into avid campers by taking them out into the woods on family camping trips is a fun, exciting way to bond and spend time together. When preparing for your outdoor adventures, making sure you get the right kids’ camping gear is crucial to ensuring they have a good time and stay as comfortable as possible. Everything from a sleeping pad and sleeping bag to relaxing camp chairs and a reliable water bottle go a long way to making the trip memorable and fun. And, if you want to hike with a young child, you’ll need a suitable stroller to take with you since they’ll most likely get tired before you do. Whatever your needs for your next family camping trip, here are answers to some common questions about our kids’ outdoor gear.
The best sleeping bag for your child is one that fits them well and keeps them warm. Mummy bags are often recommended, as they full encapsulate the user and can be used in extremely low temperatures to keep them as warm as possible. As for brands, we carry some of the best in the industry for sleeping bags, including Kelty and Coleman.
While specialized equipment depends on where you are planning to camp, there are a few things that you should bring on every outdoor adventure with children. First, bring a camping tent large enough for everyone or an extra tent that just the kids can sleep in. Next, make sure you have enough water, food, and cooking and eating utensils for everyone. Then, you want to bring a couple extra sets of clothes for your kids. Children can be messy and may accidentally get their clothes wet or dirty, so making sure they have something clean will keep them comfortable. If you’re going to a cold or snowy area, some snowshoes are recommended. For the woods, some thick hiking boots are necessary. For infants and toddlers, you may want to bring a heavy-duty child carrier that you can wear like a backpack.
The Thule Chariot line of child strollers are specially designed for rugged, outdoor use. They keep your child comfortable and nearby through a variety of activities, including jogging, hiking, biking, and skiing. Plus, you can use it just like a normal stroller too to push your kid around on beautiful days. Given the versatility of the Chariots, they’re an extremely useful tool to have whether yuo’re at a national park or the woods behind your house.
We have all the best camping gear and outdoor essentials you need to make great memories with young kiddos and older kids alike. Check out some of our top brands, including Deuter, Sierra Designs, and Petzl.