To some, kayaking is a sport. To others, kayaking is a chance to lose themselves in nature. Whether you're competing or communing, having the right kayak is important. We make it easy for you to find the right kayak for you, with a variety of different Recreational Kayaks from Sit-On-Top Kayaks to Inflatable Kayaks. Of course, we have Kayak Paddles to keep you moving and Life Jackets & Vests in case you go overboard.
Shop our Kayak Accessories to find plenty of gear for flat water or whitewater kayaking, and don't miss the incredible offerings from top brands like Oru Kayak, Sea to Summit, Airhead, and more!
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to buying a kayak. Paddlers need to consider what they want to do with the kayak and go from there. For example, anglers prefer fishing kayaks because they have plenty of hands-free rod holders and other accessories, and they’re usually sit-on-top kayaks for more maneuverability when casting. Although a whitewater kayak can easily be used on flat water, a kayak designed for flat water is dangerous, if not impossible, to use for whitewater kayaking. The best kayak is paired up with 1) the water conditions, 2) the kind of activity, and 3) the skill level of the kayaker.
The best kayaks for beginners are usually recreational kayaks that are flat-bottomed and designed for calm waters, like a flat water kayak. Without any training, a beginner should not attempt to dive right into whitewater kayaking. The good news is that you can usually find kayaking classes nearby that are inexpensive and will get you enough experience to start Class 1 and Class 2 rapids. You can also find local kayaking clubs that will have plenty of seasoned kayakers who can teach you more while keeping an eye on you in case things start to get dangerous.
Buy Kayaks from CampSaver! Check out our Guides section to learn more about all things outdoors, we’re adding and updating articles frequently!
Other categories you might be interested in are Stand-Up Paddleboards, Coolers, and Dry Storage.