If you want to take your infant or toddler outside with you, they need the right baby clothes and outdoor gear to stay safe, as a regular onesie doesn’t provide enough insulation and warmth. Instead, you should get them hooded jackets, boots, and insulated bib overalls to ensure they are safe and happy while you guys are outside. If you’re planning on going to a pool or out on a boat, they should always wear a life vest to help them stay above the water at all times. Thankfully, we’ve assembled a great collection of clothes for very young children to help you get everything you need in one place.
When taking your baby or toddler out, make sure they are wearing warm base layers. Over their diaper they should have a onesie and some pants. Then, put on a thick jacket over them to lock in their body heat. Finally, always cover their heads with a beanie or hat to protect their ears from the cold. Babies are much more sensitive to the cold, so mittens, socks, and little boots are crucial. If you have a snowsuit, this also works well instead of a jacket as it goes over their onesie and pants.
First things first, a baby should always have a life jacket on, whether they’re just playing near a pool or beach or out on a boat. This is a safety precaution that helps ensure they stay above the water. Additionally, they should have a hat on to help shield their face and neck from the sun. Finally, reapply sunscreen regularly so that they don’t get burnt.
When you need outdoor gear and clothes for your young children, choose CampSaver! Check out our top products from brands like Airhead, Obermeyer, and Berne.