If you’re shopping for outdoor clothing for the young girls in your life, look no further than CampSaver! We have tons of long sleeve t-shirts, hoodies, base layers, snow jackets, and more available to help them stay warm and dry during all of their outdoor adventures. From casual trips to skiing and snowboarding, we have high-quality gear and girls clothing for all your needs. Check out some answers to frequently asked questions about our products below.
This obviously depends on the climate, but for winter especially, the right clothing is crucial to having fun and staying comfortable, warm, and dry. When dressing for cold outdoor temperatures, you always want to start with solid base layers, like a short sleeve or long sleeve t-shirt and leggings or tights. These garments seal in your body heat and provide the first layer of defense against the cold. Then, you want to start adding thicker layers on top, like a pullover fleece jacket, hoodie, or sweater, as well as thick jeans or snow pants. Finally, some warm mitts and a beanie or hat should top off the outfit.
For kids’ clothing, the main difference is the size of the clothes. Girls’ clothes are generally smaller than similar garments for boys. This is especially true in footwear, as girls’ shoe sizes are noticeably different. Additionally, girls clothes tend to have more color variety, particularly with brighter colors.
The best thing to consider when looking for a snow jacket is that how it fits and functions is more important than how it looks. Next, take a look at the inside of the jacket and the features it has. Since the goal of a snow jacket is to keep you warm and dry, it should have water-resistant zippers and a powder skirt around the bottom edge. Cinching around the bottom is also recommended to keep it tight against your body.
When you need outdoor gear and clothing for the girls in your life, choose CampSaver! Check out some of our top brands, including Obermeyer, Smartwool, and Marmot