No matter your paddle sports preference, you’re going to need Dry Bags, Dry Boxes, & Waterproof Cases. We carry a huge selection of Dry Bags and Dry Boxes for whitewater rafting, Kayaking, Inflatable Pack Rafting, Stand-Up Paddle Boarding, and any other kind of boating you may be into. We have them in sizes small enough for Wallets all the way up to the big Duffel Bags for your heftiest gear like Stoves & Grills. Shop Pelican, Sea to Summit Dry Storage, SealLine Dry Storage, and more!
A dry bag is a water-resistant or waterproof soft-sided container used to store items that would be damaged or unusable if they get wet. These specialized Gear Bags are used to protect clothing, First Aid supplies, Sleeping Bags, food, and cooking equipment.
Dry boxes are used for the same purpose but are hard-sided and resemble luggage. Coolers are sometimes used for this purpose, but one that seals well with latches and an o-ring gasket is important, along with being sturdy enough to take some bumps and banging around on the rocks.
Having dry bags really can make or break your next paddle or boat trip. There’s nothing worse than having your camping gear, tents, clothes, and sleeping bags soaking wet and needing hours drying in the sun before you can use them. Keeping your food dry is also important, especially where bodies of water usually contain waterborne pathogens and other nasty bugs that you can’t see but will make you very sick.
Buy Dry Bags & Dry Boxes for Dry Storage from CampSaver! Check out our Guides section to learn more about all things outdoors, we’re adding and updating articles frequently!
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