Climbing is quickly gaining popularity around the world and with good reason! It is easy to understand, fun for people of all abilities and, despite popular opinion, it is one of the safest sports out there. Many people also think you need a lot of Climbing Gear to get the real climbing experience when in reality you can do a lot of Bouldering & Training with just a pair of climbing shoes. Browse our huge selection of Women’s Climbing Shoes, Men’s Climbing Shoes, and Kids’ Climbing Shoes for the whole crew! We’ve also got plenty of Men's & Women's Approach Shoes to help you hike in and scramble over the rocks at the base of the climb.
One last thing to keep in mind is that climbing shoes fit differently than most shoes! So don't go ordering your climbing shoes in the same size as your backpacking boots. Climbing shoes are made to be worn without socks and fit your foot almost exactly. They are also often leather shoes, so they will feel tight at first, and loosen up as you break them in. Sizing varies by brand but you should generally be looking for a whole size smaller than the size of your street shoes. Keep an eye out for sizing charts under the Documents section of the shoe you are looking at, and if you do happen to order a size that doesn't fit the way you want, take advantage of our Fit Guarantee!
No matter your skill level, you can probably benefit from a new pair of climbing shoes. Rubber only lasts for so long when its primary use is scraping rocks in search of toe-holds. Our top climbing shoe brands like Scarpa, La Sportiva, and Five Ten (and many more!) each make shoes for various skill levels. In general, the more aggressive the curve of the shoe, the more advanced or technical it is. A more aggressive curve gives more stability on smaller footholds but is much less comfortable to wear and limits surface contact on larger footholds commonly found on beginner routes.
Although they’re both for rock climbing, there are some key differences. Rock climbing shoes are most often used in trad climbing, and are a very tight fit with very little flexibility to serve as specialized high-performance shoes. Bouldering shoes aren’t as tight and are more comfortable shoes. Bouldering shoes also offer more padding in the thicker sole.
No, climbing shoes are not typically worn with socks. Some indoor climbing walls may require wearing socks on their rental shoes, and you’d probably want to anyway. In that case, choose thin, tight-fitting, breathable socks that won’t bunch up inside climbing shoes.
Buy Climbing Shoes from CampSaver! Still having trouble deciding? Browse the Best Climbing Shoes based on customer reviews. Check out our Guides section to learn more about all things outdoors, we’re adding and updating articles frequently! Happy climbing, and thank you for shopping at!
Other brands you might be interested in are Evolv Climbing Shoes, Black Diamond Climbing Shoes, Tenaya Climbing Shoes, and Butora Climbing Shoes.