CampSaver is where campers and hikers can gear up for their next adventure with amazing deals on camping essentials and hiking products from of the best camping gear brands like Coleman, Yeti, Kelty, Therm-A-Rest, and more. Stay comfortable on your next camping trip with our collection of camping chairs, cots, hammocks, sleeping pads, and other outdoor furniture. Need camp kitchen essentials? We’ve got you covered with a wide selection of camping stoves, cookware, and so much more. Don’t forget the tent and rainfly to stay protected during your next backpacking adventure.
You’ll also need reliable outdoor lighting to see at night, so make sure to check out our high-quality headlamps, flashlights, and camping lanterns. Hydration is essential in the backcountry, and we offer a variety of water bottles, water filters, and other hydration products to ensure you have a fresh source of water at all times.
Even seasoned campers may forget an item or two, so it’s important to ensure you have all of the essentials on hand during your next camping trip. Some of the most common items campers forget include:
While there are certainly more than ten items you should bring on the trip, the most important gear includes:
Camping Stove & Propane
While there’s an endless list of camping essentials to bring, there are also some items that are best left at home. It’s fine to bring a few electronics, but it’s best to enjoy the outdoors without distractions. You should also avoid glass bottles and containers. Don’t wear too much perfume or cologne, as the scent may attract unwanted guests. On that note, make sure to bring bear protection with you in case of emergencies. Camp meals should be quick and easy to whip up, so don’t bring food that will take a long time to prepare.
Whether you’re car camping or backpacking, we’ve got you covered with all of the camping essentials for your next road trip. For camping tips & tricks, check out our guides on Hammock Camping vs. Tent Camping and How to Choose a Backpacking Stove.