When you hit the Big Wall, you endure a long, Multi-Pitch route and you expect your gear to get you there. On traditional big walls, there are no established routes meaning you will need the right Climbing Gear to be safe and efficient during your climb. And because these routes are longer, some routes take multiple days so pack your gear into your Haul Bags and use Pulleys & Haulers to make it easier to get your gear up the wall.
There are various Big Wall Accessories you’ll need for successful big wall climbing. Of course, you’ll need Climbing Ropes and Static Ropes, and basics like Belay Devices, Runners & Slings, Harnesses, Carabiners, and Climbing Shoes. All of this falls under two basic categories: “passive gear” and “active gear”.
Passive gear includes nuts and hexes to fit the cracks in the wall. Wedge your nut into the crack until it sticks, then clip in and continue your climb. A hex is a lightweight hollow nut. A variety of sizes of nuts and hexes are needed to fit the different shapes and sizes of cracks you will see.
Active gear will have moving parts that actively push against the wall to stay in place. A type of active gear that is growing in popularity is Cams which are part of the active gear family. Cams come in multiple shapes and sizes and because of their moving parts, they can fit in a wider range of cracks than the fixed nut. Being prepared with a big range of sizes will help you safely climb a pitch.
Some parts of the routes are too much for your skill level or don't have reasonable holds, but this shouldn't end your climb. When you can't find the right grip, pull out an Ascender to help you climb your rope. This type of climbing is called Aid Climbing, meaning you climb using your gear rather than the wall. And other times you find a route that you want to repeat often. Turn your favorite route into a Sport Route with Hangers & Bolts to make the route permanent.
Buy Big Wall & Climbing Protection from CampSaver! Stay safe on the Big Wall with the right gear. Shop our collection of quality climbing gear from brands like Black Diamond, Metolius, Petzl, and more! Check out our Guides section to learn more about all things outdoors, we’re adding and updating articles frequently!
Other categories you might be interested in are Mountaineering, Daisy Chains & Aiders, Alpine & Ice Climbing Gear, and Quickdraws.