Backpacks are one of the most important items you need for your camping, hiking, trekking, and other outdoor adventures. These travel bags decide how much gear you bring with you in the backcountry and how easily you can locate it in emergencies. You also need to consider the journey that lies ahead, ensuring your backpack is light and comfortable enough for the length of your travels.
Check out our wide collection of daypacks that are perfect for daily hikes. These bags are meant to carry snacks, hydration, jackets, and anything else you may need while scouting out the beautiful scenery. Browse our inventory of overnight travel backpacks when you need some extra storage space for a night on the campgrounds. For weekend camping trips, our series of multi-day packs run from 50-75L and have plenty of space for all the gear and equipment you'll need during that duration. Beyond that, we have a selection of large-volume packs that boast over 75L of storage capacity, allowing you to neatly organize days' worth of gear to give you peace of mind as your travel the world.
While we specialize in providing you with high-quality gear fit for nomads, we also offer more casual urban packs and school backpacks ideal for students or everyday commuters, featuring padded laptop sleeves, comfortable shoulder straps, and water bottle pockets. A lot of these backpacks have water-resistant pockets to protect your devices and clothing, and there are countless options that offer ergonomic load placement that reduces the felt weight to keep you mobile during your trek uphill. With some of the best backpack brands like Mystery Ranch, Osprey, and Gregory available here for less, there's no shortage of premium packs crafted for your next weekend trip.
Technically, a daypack is a type of backpack, but not all backpacks are daypacks. The biggest difference between backpacks and daypacks is the size of the main compartment and side pockets. Daypacks tend to be lighter and smaller than larger backpacks because they are designed to carry enough gear for one day. The lightweight construction makes it easier for hikers to lug around their belongings. Daypacks are also usually top-loading only, and they may not have padded shoulder straps or back panels. This is because daypacks are meant to be compressible and don’t need extra support since they aren’t meant for carrying heavy loads.
If you want to take a backpack on a plane as your carry-on item, you should always check in with the specific airline to ensure your backpack or tote will fit. The most common dimension for TSA-approved backpacks is 22in x 14in x 9in. However, some airlines may allow for larger dimensions, up to 24in x 16in x 10in.
No, you do not need a special backpack for hiking trips. While our backpacking backpacks are your best bet for outdoor adventures, you just need to ensure your bag has the capacity and functionality you need for the length and intensity of your excursion. Some things to look for include padded shoulder straps, several pockets with strong zippers, water-resistant or water-repellent fabric, buckles to assist with load distribution, easy-access compartments, and a sternum strap for heavier loads.
CampSaver is your #1 online shop for the gear, equipment, and apparel that fuels explorers around the globe. From classic backpacks and laptop bags to heavy-duty mountaineering backpacks, our selection of bags is curated for any type of adventure. Pick up your rucksack or other outdoor gear right here at and get FREE SHIPPING off your orders over $49.