Approach Shoes are what happens when Climbing Shoes, Hiking Boots, and Hiking Shoes combine to make a power shoe. Like hiking shoes, they are designed to fit comfortably and snugly on your feet for maximum comfort over long distances. They also have a durable and protective design to keep your feet safe on the trail. Approach shoes have become a favorite in the rock-climbing community due to their versatility, comfort, and style. We carry the Best Approach Shoes from top brands!
Shop our large collection of leading approach shoes by the best brands:
A pair of approach shoes allow you to get to the base of the climb, especially across long approaches that may have you scrambling across rocks that are frequently found at the bottom of climbing areas. Like climbing shoes, they feature a flat climbing zone, a sticky rubber sole, and good grippy lugs that allow for tremendous traction on steeper-grade rock surfaces.
It is important to note that approach shoes should not be worn as a replacement for climbing shoes unless it’s for very easy non-technical climbs as you’re scrambling to get to the foot of the climb. They do not perform in the same manner you would expect from a traditional climbing shoe, so you shouldn’t try to tackle gnarly crags or technical climbs in them. Rather, they should be worn on hikes to and from the climb or campsite.
Yes, approach shoes are comfortable, especially when compared to the notoriously uncomfortable climbing shoes that would be horrible to try and to an approach in. Approach shoes are also good for hikers that plan on Backpacking along an especially long approach.
If you come across a section that requires scrambling, you'll be glad you have approach shoes on due to their climbing zone and sticky rubber sole.
Buy Approach Shoes from CampSaver! We have the top Approach Shoes, at great prices and the assistance you deserve! Check out our Guides section to learn more about all things outdoors, we’re adding and updating articles frequently! Shop now and find great deals on the perfect approach shoes for your adventures. Don’t forget your Belay Devices and replacement Shoe Laces!
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